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Often, however, the supposed bargain remains in the back of the wardrobe until the next radical clear-out and never sees the light of day again. With these 5 tips, you can keep a cool head even during the hot phase of the sale:

1. would you have said yes?

Yes, in any case I would have bought the garment even at the non-reduced price. If you honestly answer this question with a convincing yes, you have a great chance of it becoming a favourite piece that you actually wear often. If the item only looks tempting because there is a 60 per cent discount written in broad red felt-tip pen on the price tag, or if you start looking for reasons like “you can always use a dark blue jumper” – hands off.

It’s usually a good idea to focus on designers you’ve already had good experiences with during sales promotions and leave out the fashion brands you don’t take seriously even at the normal price.

2. only polyester? Not an option

Even if the price is low, don’t forget to check the label for information on fabric quality. Suits or dresses that are essentially made of polyester can be offered at very low prices.

You pay the real price with high cleaning costs. The artificial material is guaranteed to make the garment look old after a very short time. Not to forget: We all know about the environmental damage of the degradation of polyester. Another important reason to completely ignore garments that are almost entirely made of plastic, even at maximum discount.

The same applies to accessories: a leather bag, well cared for with these tips, gains character and you are in the best company with HRH, Prince Charles, who used to say: Buy once, but Buy well.

3. really hurts

The right size. This is especially true for shoes. There’s nothing more embarrassing than losing a shoe that’s too big on the red carpet at a formal event, and even the best date can be an ordeal with shoes that are too tight.

4. beware – the popular trap when buying perfume.

The price per unit counts. Especially in the case of perfumes, behind the supposed price reduction there is often only another package unit and in the worst case you even pay a higher price compared to the normal price. Therefore, always compare the legally prescribed price per 100 millilitres, especially in the case of perfumes. 5.

5. it fits – like a glove

See Also

Does the item fit into your existing wardrobe? Or do you need to make a series of follow-up investments to be able to combine it appropriately. There’s nothing wrong with a break in routine, on the contrary, but on critical reflection there’s usually a reason why you’ve never felt comfortable with that colour or in that shape. It’s better to pass on the bad deal.

The best sales tactic: a critical look in your wardrobe

Before you go to town or give in to the persistent sales messages on the Internet portal: first, take an A-Z look at your wardrobe. If you haven’t yet reduced your wardrobe to the clothes you actually enjoy using Marie Kondo’s method or these practical tips for radical decluttering, you’ll probably find the mis-buys of the last few years there, many of which seemed so tempting in the sales.

Try on the trousers again that have never fitted in the last five years and think about how often you actually wore the heavily reduced but also very eye-catching sports outfit at the time?

Even better than the feeling of having made a bargain is the feeling of having saved a lot of money by doing without.

If you do want to treat yourself to something new: Then invest the money you would have had to pay for a few bargains in a fantastic piece of clothing with good fabric quality and a perfect cut and book many appreciative glances and compliments for it on your credit account for years to come.

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