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Refreshing or hot

After days of overindulgence, you take it upon yourself to live healthier and drink more soothing tea. But then cortado, latte or cappuccino are too tempting. Lemongrass tea, on the other hand, offers healthy enjoyment without calories, is quick to prepare and is a great idea to get ready for the next few indulgent days.

The largest lemongrass plantations are found in India, Sri Lanka, Indochina and China. Every market across Asia is piled high with small mountains of fresh lemongrass, an essential ingredient for many Asian dishes, and easy to make fresh tea from. The dried variety is a wonderful alternative in this country.

The refreshing citrus flavors of the tea taste great hot, but also when chilled, preferably neat, without sugar or milk. Ideally, enjoy a whole pot right away to benefit from the tea’s many health effects.

Lemongrass contains a number of active ingredients, including citrate, which plays an important role in biochemical processes. Studies from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center, New York, suggest that citrate helps activate an important body enzyme that in turn helps the body break down free radicals.

The antibacterial properties of lemongrass are a good protection for the body against bacteria and fungi. The essential oils contained in lemongrass have a positive effect on colds and digestive difficulties.

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Lemongrass tea provides a natural kick and boosts concentration and motivation. A pot of this Asian natural dope should therefore not be missing on your desk. Add lime wedges and a fresh lemongrass stalk to make it a healthy refreshment in the summer.

Tea from fresh lemongrass

If you are now wondering how to prepare fresh lemongrass tea, it is quite simple: remove the small hard end and the outer casing (depending on the degree of freshness), divide a lemongrass stalk into 2-3 pieces and squeeze with gentle pressure, for example with a wide template spoon, similar to how you would, for example, plate a piece of meat for a Wiener Schnitzer.

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Immediately the wonderful fresh aroma of lemongrass rises to your nose and already the preparation of the lemongrass tea is a sensory delight. In this way, you can also get the best out of the home office.

Then cut the crushed stalks into smaller pieces and brew with hot water. As a GloriousMe reader, you always have ginger in the house. You can add small pieces to it. Done. If you want to vary after the fifth pot of lemongrass tea, go ahead: rosemary sprigs, turmeric, lime slices or a dash of lemon juice, depending on your taste, go great with it.

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