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For head instead of tea

Do good to the head and scalp in stressful times with mint oil

Cool wind from the east

In the past winter months, it was the cool winds from the east and accordingly caps, hats, ski helmets, the dry heating air as well as hair dryers in constant use that strained our scalp.

All this puts a strain on the sensitive scalp and as a result the hair rarely shows its shiniest side.

Worries in the East

One of the biggest effects on the health of the scalp, and therefore the appearance and structure of the hair, are conflicts that cause us stress.

And for that, apart from all individual circumstances, at the moment the Kremlin is taking care.

We all feel that something has changed irrevocably. Fear of change, fear of the unforeseeable consequences of the war in Ukraine and horror in the face of developments in Ukraine mean enormous stress for many people.

The sinister cycle of fear and stress

Fear in particular can only be regulated to a limited extent or not at all with rational assessments or appeasement. The sentence “If I had your worries…” is therefore completely ineffective and even counterproductive from a medical point of view.

The body reacts to stress with the familiar bodily responses: The stress hormones cortisol and glucocorticoids are increasingly released and the sweat production of the body glands is stimulated. This also affects the many small sweat glands on the scalp, which produce more sebum, which can lead to dandruff and itching.

The neuroscientist Dean Burnett describes in his article“The link between stress and depression” in the newspaper The Guardian that in many cases it is difficult for the body to stop the physical stress reactions but as a result of the stress reactions more and more stress hormones are released.

Switching off and keeping a cool head is difficult for most of us these days. We click from one news site to the next, trying to stay à jour on the events in Ukraine.

In between, one focal point chases the other and repeats news that we mostly already know – we tune in anyway, because not to do so seems insensitive.

Some rest for the head and scalp

To find some cooling peace at least in the evening before sleep, an inconspicuous plant that we usually use more in tea or as a spice helps: The mint.

In the form of Japanese mint oil, it can be easily applied to the scalp with the product Pro_Tonic. You can immediately feel the high menthol content in the Japanese mint. It cools the scalp and relaxes.

Ideally, it should be applied to the scalp in the evening before going to bed. The tonic can easily be left on the scalp overnight and leaves no trace on the pillow.

See Also

What else helps to reduce stress

Healthy, balanced nutrition arrives in the scalp and, like the optimal soil in the garden, ensures that the hair has a good foundation for growth and looks healthy.

As much movement as possible and breathing techniques are always a good idea. In stressful times, they help counteract the biochemical systems that run in the body during stressful reactions.

All of these measures are important because the body’s stress responses make it unnecessarily difficult for the brain to respond and make good decisions.

We need this ability all the more in everyday life and in crisis situations where elementary values are questioned, we can take a stand and perhaps also help.

Photographs © GloriousMe

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