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To be able to sleep, you should avoid these things

Our brain needs restful sleep in order to fully function. to stay. Numerous medical studies show that the desire
with little sleep and a lot of caffeine or tine.

more, only works to a very limited extent in terms of time.


Sleep is essential

If the body is deprived of sleep for an extended period of time, the brain’s ability to process information and solve problems rapidly decreases.

At the same time, creativity decreases. Stress symptoms and emotional sensitivity increase rapidly.

Not slept in? As fit as a drunkard

Sleep researchers at HARVARD Medical School estimate that the productivity of people who deliberately deny their bodies sleep for extended periods of time is even lower than the productivity of drunks.

Potential health effects of sleep deprivation on the immune system, heart function, susceptibility to type 2 diabetes and obesity have long been known.

Despite knowing better, life gets in the way

But for various reasons, many of us are unable to get enough sleep at any stage of life, even if we know the importance of sleep and have followed all the good intentions, such as

  • drink as little or no alcohol in the evening as possible,
  • Eating light in the evening
  • putting the cell phone aside one to two hours before going to bed
  • Sport better to do early in the morning
  • a calming atmosphere prevails in the bedroom
  • the scent of SIEVER_S indulge body oil with lavender pampers us

Since Not To Do lists are currently as popular as they are important, recommends GloriousMe not to fight insomnia by doing the following things or simply forgetting a number of myths:



During the night, the brain goes through a number of important phases. Among other things, it wanders again through the events of the day, storing some of them in memory and making us forget others.

Sleeping pills disrupt this important natural rhythm. The quality of sleep achieved with the help of sleeping pills cannot be compared to natural sleep. Important processes of the brain cannot be run through in the sequence so important for body and mind after taking sleeping pills .


The fact that we often find it harder to pick up our usual rhythm and pace on Monday morning may be a result of trying to catch up on sleep over the weekend.

If the sleep and wake rhythm on the weekend is too far away from the habits during the week, we feel tired and shattered at the beginning of the week despite an extra amount of sleep.

Sleep experts therefore recommend a short afternoon nap on the weekend, instead of a much later wake-up time if sleep has been too short during the week.


See Also

Every person has a different need for sleep. There is no uniform standard. We can best observe it in ourselves how many hours of sleep we need to be refreshed and productive the next morning.

We notice it in our abilities to make good decisions, generate ideas, and work through a list of unpleasant things quickly compared to days when we agonize over them indefinitely, causing ourselves additional stress because we are highly dissatisfied with our pace.


Even in companies that always see themselves in the fast lane, the saying “sleep is for loosers” is no longer en vogue after some deaths of employees were discussed in the media with the thesis that the cause of death could be attributed to extreme lack of sleep and stress over a very long time.

The message “sleep is for loosers” is therefore now communicated more subtly . Top managers engage in extreme sports whose training requires an enormous amount of time each week.

However, there are only two ways to achieve this: a) These people are actually among those who do well on a very small number of hours of sleep. b) Both professional and sporting commitment are simply a myth. Read Grimm’s fairy tales rather than the PR statements of these miracle people.

It is interesting to note in this context that there is another myth – the myth of uninterrupted eight-hour sleep. In 2001, historian Roger Ekirch published the results of a sixteen-year study that concluded that the idea of uninterrupted eight-hour sleep first emerged at the end of the seventeenth century.

In the centuries before, two sleep phases were normal. Being awake after the first sleep phase was positively occupied and was consciously used actively. The next time you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t stress. Try to enjoy the waking hours. This is the best way for you to get to the next stage of sleep.

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