Stress, changing farming practices and a high proportion of in-
processed foods lead to this, for example, in the USA,
that 75 percent of the population does not receive the sufficient daily amount of Magne-
sium is consumed.
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The additional intake of magnesium is recommended to prevent chronic diseases such as osteoporosis. Modern fertilization methods and yield-oriented plant breeding mean that the proportion of minerals in the soil and thus in the plants themselves is falling sharply.
As a result, even a healthy diet high in green vegetables, nuts and grains cannot compensate for magnesium deficiency. However, in times of prolonged stress, the body needs an even higher dose of magnesium.
If the amount supplied through food is not sufficient, the body dissolves existing magnesium from the bones. Magnesium tablets are available in stores, but also magnesium drinking granules packaged in convenient single-dose form, for example from Diasporal.
The high concentration of 300 mg per pack makes the drinking granules an ideal travel companion. For travel without stress is rare, but water is everywhere, at least in Western latitudes.
Five typical symptoms of magnesium deficiency