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5 tips on how to make your voice heard at conferences

We all know them: the bulldozers of the conferences, who jump into your word without any sensitivity. Get noticed with these 5 practical tips.

TIP 1: The most direct method

If someone interrupts you, just keep talking. Even if the polite instinct thinks it would be better to hold back now.

Stay with what you are saying and continue to speak calmly but firmly. The rest of the audience caught on that you were in the flow of speech when you were interrupted. Abandon your polite self for a few seconds if you think someone has straddled your speech completely without any empathy.

TIP 2: The self-confident announcement

Address the interrupter directly, preferably by name “Max/Mr. Mustermann, I haven’t finished my contribution yet.” To make it a bit more exciting for the rest of the audience of the short-lived speech duel, it is worth adding “The most important argument you have/haven’t heard yet”.

TIP 3: Know who else is attending the conference

This is not the first time you have been interrupted by certain participants. Start your speech with the words “I look forward to your feedback afterwards and would now like to elaborate …”.

TIP 4: Change your speaking rhythm

While pauses are extremely important during a presentation or speech, too long speech pauses, especially during conference calls, are immediately filled with their voice by inattentive participants who have long since been multitasking and doing other things in parallel.

Therefore, try to make your speech style shorter and with fewer pauses during conference calls.

Refrain from making introductions to your speech. Conference calls are not overtures that start quietly and build to a musical climax. In conference calls in particular, start your speech with a bang: a powerful image, an interesting comparison, an intensification.

After all, you are prepared for the contents of the conference. Such a strong impact at the first speech helps to be less interrupted in the continuation.

TIP 5: Coach the Coach

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The leader of a meeting has the task to include every participant and to ask if he has the impression that someone is mute because he can’t get a word in edgewise or has been rolled over a few times. Sometimes, however, specialists become leaders of telephone or video conferences who simply lack the knowledge of their responsibilities as moderators.

Take an opportunity to talk “one-on-one” with such inexperienced presenters in the aftermath or in advance of the next conference and help him or her on this point. With charm and a compliment, almost anything goes.


One thing you should not do: Simply fall silent. After all, you have something to say and have landed on the list of participants for a reason.

Often there is no malicious intent behind notorious interrupters, but rather lack of concentration, impatience, hopeless self-promotion or simply a lack of style. No matter what’s behind it, you shouldn’t let it impress you.

If you are heard too infrequently or never, you can be too easily forgotten in times of increased or exclusive home offices and your important voice is missing. The others and your career.

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